See how to register to receive Gas Aid

Do you want to know how to register to receive Gas Aid? So, check out the step by step and much more here!

Now, you already know that the Gas Aid can help you with up to R$ 102 every two months to purchase cooking gas. So, it's time to find out who can welcome you and How to register for the program.

However, what many people don't know is that to access this benefit You need to register with CadÚnico. So if you haven't done this yet, know that it will be necessary!

Gas Aid can help alleviate the financial pressure caused by rising cooking gas prices. And to help you, we wrote this complete article that teaches you how to sign up for the program. Check out!

Who can receive the aid?

Gas Aid is important financial assistance for many Brazilian families who struggle to pay for cooking gas and be able to eat adequately.

But first of all, it is essential to understand who is entitled to it, since like other government programs, it has some requirements for participation. Therefore, it is aimed at families:

  • Registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico);
  • With per capita monthly family income less than or equal to half the minimum wage;
  • That have members in their composition who receive the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC);
  • Benefited from the Bolsa Família program;
  • With women victims of domestic violence.
How to register for Gas Aid (Image: Reproduction/RBS TV)

Priority criteria for receipt

Another important point is that there is a budget limit for the program. Furthermore, receipt of the benefit may vary depending on the number of families that have already been served in your city, compared to the estimate of families in vulnerable situations in the region.

For these reasons, there are some criteria that establish which families have priority in receiving aid, such as families:

  • Who have an updated CadÚnico registration in the last twenty-four months;
  • With lower per capita income;
  • With a greater number of family members;
  • And that they receive Bolsa Família.

How to register to receive Gas Aid

If you are interested in accessing this benefit, know that it is not necessary to register to receive it.

Auxílio Gás, unlike other government programs, takes into account the Single Registry (CadÚnico) database to decide who is entitled to the benefit.

Furthermore, the choice of people who will receive it may change every two months. This means that even those who did not receive the last installment may have the chance to receive it in the next payment.

Therefore, to receive the benefit, you just need to register with CadÚnico, if you have not already done so. However, it is worth noting that this does not guarantee the right to Gas Aid.

How do you know if you were selected?

If you are already registered with CadÚnico and meet the requirements established by the program, you can check whether the benefit is available to you in different ways, such as:

  • Bolsa Família application;
  • Caixa Tem application;
  • CAIXA customer service by calling 111.

How to receive Gas Aid?

The payment of the Gas Aid is R$ 102 every two months and occurs on the same dates as the Bolsa Família payment. In fact, whoever receives Bolsa Família will receive the Gas Aid payment in the same account.

According to information from Caixa Econômica Federal, you can receive assistance in 3 ways, namely:

  • Digital Social Savings Account;
  • CAIXA Fácil Savings Account;
  • Or Social Platform, making it possible to withdraw with a social card.

Now that you know all this, just check if Gas Aid is available to you and wait to receive the benefit.

Daniele Freitas
Written by

Daniele Freitas

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