How to sign up for CadÚnico

Do you want to know how to sign up for CadÚnico? So, check out the complete step-by-step instructions, requirements and more information here!

Subscribe to CadÚnico It is an essential step so that your family can access various benefits offered by the government. Such as, for example, Gas Aid, Minha Casa Minha Vida, Social Tariff and many others.

Furthermore, another program that makes this list is Bolsa Família, which can pay until R$ 600 per month and offer financial relief to those who need it.

By registering with CadÚnico, you can have the chance to improve your living conditions through these programs. So, check out below how to register, who can register and much more!

What is CadÚnico?

O CadÚnico is a registration system created by the Brazilian government to identify and characterize low-income families across the country. 

Using this information, the government can develop more effective public policies and offer social benefits to those who really need them.

How to sign up for CadÚnico (Image: Reproduction/Agência Gov)

Therefore, any low-income family can register with the Cadastro Único to try to participate in social programs. 

Which social programs use CadÚnico?

The Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) is an essential tool for low-income families seeking access to various social programs. For example:

  • Bolsa Família;
  • My home, my life; 
  • Gas Aid;
  • Elderly Card for free travel;
  • Youth ID to pay half price;
  • Social Tariff (Discount on electricity bill).

Who can sign up?

As mentioned above, CadÚnico was created so that families can benefit from some social programs. Therefore, there are some requirements to register, they are:

  • Have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person;
  • Have a total monthly income of up to three minimum wages per family.

In addition, people who live alone or are homeless can also register.

Step by step on how to sign up for CadÚnico

If you meet the requirements mentioned above, then you already know that you can sign up for CadÚnico. 

However, registration cannot be done online and must be done in person. To do this, you must follow these steps:

  • First, look for the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or the CadÚnico service unit closest to your home. These locations are responsible for registering and updating information;
  • In some locations, you may need to schedule an appointment. Therefore, check this need in advance to avoid queues and long waiting times;
  • On the day of your appointment, bring all necessary documents. It is important that you have the documents of all family members on hand so that the registration can be carried out;
  • On that occasion, a social questionnaire will be carried out, in which the person responsible for the family will answer questions about the composition of the family, income, housing conditions and other aspects. 

Documents required to register with CadÚnico

To register with CadÚnico, it is necessary to present some documents. So, for the person responsible for the family, it is necessary:

  • Photo identification document;
  • CPF or Voter ID;
  • Proof of residence.

Meanwhile, for other family members, you must present at least one of the following documents:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Identity Card (RG);
  • Wedding certificate;
  • CPF;
  • Work Card;
  • Voter ID.

Now that you know all this, just schedule your appointment and register to have the chance to participate in social programs that use CadÚnico for selection.

Daniele Freitas
Written by

Daniele Freitas

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