Bolsa Família Food Card: how it works in 2024

Want to know how the Bolsa Família food card works? Check out the main information here!

Have you ever heard of the Bolsa Família food card? If you are a beneficiary of the program, probably yes, but do you know all the details of how it works? In this content, we will explain everything you need to know about the Bolsa Família food card. Check it out! 

Bolsa Família Food Card (Image: Disclosure/Google Images)

Learn about the Bolsa Família food card

O Bolsa Família food card It is a benefit granted by the Brazilian government to support low-income families, ensuring access to basic foods. 

This card allows beneficiaries to purchase essential items in accredited markets and establishments, reinforcing the food and nutritional security of Brazilian families.

It is important to emphasize that the card is not a benefit of the Bolsa Família program, however, it is intended for those who are beneficiaries.

Therefore, in different regions, it is common to find the card under another name, such as Prato Cheio, among other options.

But how does it work? Below, you can find more details about the entire process.

How does the Bolsa Família food card work? 

As mentioned, the card provides a certain amount to beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program to cover food expenses. 

Every month, families can withdraw money or make purchases directly with the card at locations that accept them.

Food Card Value  

The Bolsa Família climate card is not a standardized benefit throughout the country. This is because it works as a complementary initiative to Bolsa Família, with some variations according to the local policies adopted by each state. 

Therefore, the amount available on the card may change depending on the region, depending on the state rules and budgets that manage the benefit.

In some places, the benefit can be up to R$ 300, while in other regions the amount offered is R$ 250 or even less, depending on local decisions.

How do I check the availability and value of the food card?

Since not all states offer this benefit, it is essential that interested parties check whether the Food Card is available in their location. 

This consultation can be done at the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS), or directly on the state or municipal government social assistance portals. 

In addition to checking availability, you can also confirm the specific benefit amount in your region and how it is paid.

The recommendation is that beneficiaries consult local policies to understand access conditions, as some states may prioritize families in situations of greater vulnerability or those with children and adolescents of school age.

Who is entitled to the Bolsa Família Food Card?

To be eligible for the Bolsa Família Food Card, the family must be registered with CadÚnico and meet the program's income criteria. In addition, registration is done at city halls or Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS).

This benefit aims not only to combat hunger, but also to promote healthier eating among families in vulnerable situations.

How do I apply for a Bolsa Família food card?

The Food Card is available to everyone who is part of the Bolsa Família program. So, check if your registration is active and up to date.

Furthermore, before applying for the Food Card, the first step is to check whether the benefit is available in your state, as not all regions offer this option. 

To do this, you can access the program's official website or contact the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your region for more information. If the benefit is available, the next step is to go to the nearest CRAS.

How to use the food card?

After receiving your Food Card, follow some guidelines to use it correctly. First, activate the card according to the instructions you received with it. 

Then, use it exclusively for food purchases in establishments that accept the Food Card.

Additionally, it is important to check your available balance regularly to ensure that you are using the resources appropriately.

Juliana Raquek
Written by

Juliana Raquek

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