Social Benefits

Saiba como emitir o RG Digital para se livrar do documento em papel

Find out how to issue a Digital RG to get rid of the paper document

Since you've come this far, it's because you want to know how to issue your Digital ID,...

June 19, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
RG Digital: esquecer seu documento em casa pode não ser mais um problema

RG Digital: forgetting your document at home may no longer be a problem

Are you always forgetting your ID at home and finding yourself at a loss when you need it most?...

June 19, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Saiba como resgatar dinheiro esquecido no banco

Find out how to retrieve money forgotten in the bank

Now that you know how the process works, it's time to learn how to rescue...

June 18, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Entenda como funciona o Dinheiro Esquecido no Banco que você pode recuperar

Understand how Forgotten Money in the Bank works and you can recover it

Many Brazilians don't know, but they may have forgotten money in the bank for many years...

June 18, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Como se inscrever no Bolsa Família, Auxílio Luz e Gás

How to apply for Bolsa Família, Auxílio Luz e Gás

Is it difficult to deal with all your household expenses? In this case, the good news...

June 14, 2024 - Daniele Freitas Keep reading
Como se inscrever no CadÚnico

How to sign up for CadÚnico

Signing up for CadÚnico is an essential step so that your family can have access to...

June 14, 2024 - Daniele Freitas Keep reading
Auxílio Gás: R$102 de auxílio para pagar o gás

Gas Aid: R$102 assistance to pay for gas

Having money to buy gas and be able to cook is essential to maintaining the health of...

June 13, 2024 - Daniele Freitas Keep reading
Veja como se cadastrar para receber o Auxílio Gás

See how to register to receive Gas Aid

Now, you already know that Auxílio Gás can help you with up to R$ 102...

June 13, 2024 - Daniele Freitas Keep reading
Como se inscrever no Bolsa Família? Veja o passo a passo completo

How to sign up for Bolsa Família? See the complete step by step

Unfortunately, nowadays there are still many Brazilian families who live in a situation of...

June 13, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Bolsa Família: saiba como funciona e quem tem direito ao benefício de mais de R$600

Bolsa Família: find out how it works and who is entitled to the benefit of more than R$600

Imagine reaching the end of the month and not having money to buy the basics for...

June 13, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading

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