Young Apprentice: salary and benefits that you need to know

Quer saber como funciona o Jovem Aprendiz, qual o valor do salário e os benefícios oferecidos? Então, confira aqui!

You've probably heard of the Young Apprentice, certo? Mas será que você conhece os detalhes do programa, como salários e até benefícios que ele disponibiliza? Se a resposta for não, você pode encontrar tudo o que precisa saber neste conteúdo. Siga nos acompanhando!

Learn about the Young Apprentice program (Image: Disclosure/Google Images)

What is the salary of a Young Apprentice?

The salary of a Young Apprentice varies according to the workload and the company, but follows the rules established by the Apprenticeship Law (Law No. 10,097/2000). 

Typically, the amount is proportional to the minimum wage, taking into account the hours worked. In 2024, the national minimum wage is R$1,392.00, and an apprentice can receive a proportional amount based on their working hours, which typically range from 4 to 6 hours per day. 

The average salary is estimated to be R$600 to R$1,100 per month. In addition, in some companies, the Young Apprentice may receive a salary above the minimum wage if the program includes extra training hours or other benefits.

Attention! It is important to note that the salary will depend greatly on the company you are hired by. Therefore, before applying for a job, check all the details and make sure they are in line with your preferences. 

What benefits does a young apprentice receive?

In addition to the salary, the Young Apprentice has a series of additional benefits, which vary according to each company's policy, but are guaranteed by law and aim to provide more security and support during the apprenticeship period. 

These benefits are essential to supplement income and ensure the well-being of the apprentice, helping them balance their studies with their workday. The main ones are:

  • Transport voucher: assistance with commuting between home and work;
  • Meal voucher or food voucher: subsidy for food during the work period;
  • Paid holidays: preferably coincide with school holidays, ensuring rest without loss of salary;
  • FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service): the deposit is made at a rate of 2% on the salary, guaranteeing a financial reserve at the end of the contract;
  • 13th salary: guaranteed right, proportional to the time worked during the year;
  • Training course: during the contract, the apprentice participates in theoretical courses offered by educational institutions, at no additional cost.

Indirect benefits

The Young Apprentice program offers a series of indirect advantages that are fundamental for the young person's personal and professional growth.

Throughout the contract, the apprentice gains practical experience in the corporate environment, which is a major differentiator in the job market. 

This real experience in a company adds a lot of value to your CV and increases your chances of getting a good job in the future.

Are young apprentices entitled to unemployment insurance? 

Generally, young apprentices are not entitled to unemployment insurance. The benefit is aimed at workers who are dismissed without just cause, while apprenticeship contracts have a fixed term, which generally prevents access to this right.

However, there are some exceptional situations. If the company closes its doors before the end of the contract, the Young Apprentice can apply for unemployment insurance, as long as he or she has worked for at least 12 months and has no other source of income. 

These conditions allow young people to secure financial support until they find a new opportunity.

Being a Young Apprentice is a great way to start your professional life, with a fair salary and several benefits that help ensure security and development.

Juliana Raquek
Written by

Juliana Raquek

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