Gas Aid: R$102 assistance to pay for gas

With Auxílio Gás, your family may have the chance to receive financial support to buy gas. See more information here!

Having money to buy gas and be able to cook is essential to maintaining the family's health, isn't it? The good news is that with the Gas Aid, you may have the chance to receive R$102 every 2 months to cover this expense.

The best part? Many Brazilians are covered by this program and it is possible that you are one of them too. Wants to know how to register for the program? So, know that we have created a step by step who can help you with this!

In a scenario of constant increases in gas prices, this assistance can offer great relief to families in need. Want to understand how it works? So, read below for more information about the program!

What is Gas Aid?

O Gas Aid is a federal government program designed to help low-income families afford cooking gas.

Above all, because in recent years the price of gas has risen significantly, which can have a major impact on the health and quality of life of part of the population.

Therefore, this initiative seeks to minimize the economic impact on the most vulnerable families, by providing financial assistance, which is paid every 2 months.

Discover Gas Aid (Image: Reproduction/

By providing this assistance, the government not only helps financially, but also contributes to the food security of these families, ensuring that they can maintain an adequate and healthy diet. 

Therefore, the program seeks to reduce social inequalities and offer support to those most in need.

How does Gas Aid work?

Gas Aid is an important benefit to ensure that low-income families can continue to cook and prepare their meals adequately, without further compromising the household budget. 

In a scenario of constant increases in the price of cooking gas, the program becomes a significant relief for many Brazilian families.

However, it is a government program that still raises many doubts among the population. Want to understand how the benefit works? So, check out more details about it below.

What is the value of the benefit?

Currently, Gas Aid offers the amount of R$102, which is paid to families participating in the program every two months. 

This value was calculated and defined by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).

It is based on the national average price of a 13kg gas cylinder, seeking to cover a significant part of the cost for beneficiary families.

Payment frequency

As mentioned above, Auxílio Gás works in a slightly different way than other benefits, which are paid every month. After all, it is paid every two months, totaling six annual payments. 

The choice for this periodicity seeks to align the benefit with the average consumption of Brazilian families, who usually purchase gas cylinders during this period of time.

How is the benefit paid?

Another question that many people have regarding Gas Aid is related to its payment.

Those who already receive Auxílio Brasil, formerly Bolsa Família, will have the aid deposited into the same account. 

The amount can be consulted and withdrawn at Caixa Econômica Federal branches, lottery outlets and bank correspondents. 

In addition, the government also informs beneficiaries about the release of the benefit through the Bolsa Família application.

As for payment dates, they are also the same as those established by Bolsa Família.

How do I register to receive Gas Aid?

As you saw above, the Gas Aid was created to support families who face financial difficulties and cannot afford the cost of cooking gas. 

Therefore, it is an important federal government initiative to support low-income families, offering significant financial relief due to the high price of cooking gas. 

Therefore, if you want to take advantage of this opportunity to ease your household budget and ensure adequate food for your family, remember that you must register!

Daniele Freitas
Written by

Daniele Freitas

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