See how to register with Brasil Sorridente

Do you want to know how to register with Brasil Sorridente to have access to a dentist for free? So, check out the step by step here!

As you already know, many people stop going to the dentist because it is too expensive. This makes small problems with your teeth become big because there is no money to treat them.

The Brasil Sorridente program appears as an effective solution to this problem. It offers free dental treatments, ranging from basic cleaning to more complex procedures such as restorations and prosthetics.

Do you want to know how to get these treatments for free? Below, we'll detail how you can sign up for a chance to start receiving free dental care.

Who can benefit from Brasil Sorridente?

Often, government programs are not available to the entire population, but only to some groups.

The good news is that this is not the case with Brasil Sorridente. After all, all Brazilian citizens have the right to the program's services, especially those who depend on the Unified Health System (SUS). 

How to register with Brasil Sorridente (Image: Disclosure/Agência Brasil – EBC)

Therefore, anyone who wishes to use the services and make an appointment with a dentist can do so.

Step by step on how to register with Brasil Sorridente

Brasil Sorridente is a Federal Government program that aims to guarantee free access to dental treatments for the population. 

With a wide service network and various prevention and treatment actions, the program has changed the lives of millions of Brazilians, offering everything from basic care to more complex procedures. 

Do you want to know how to register for the program and have access to a dentist for free? So, check out the complete step-by-step guide below!

1. Look for the treatment unit closest to your home

The first step to registering with Brasil Sorridente is to find a health unit in your region. 

These units are responsible for providing basic health care and some of them include dental care.

Therefore, you can call or go in person to the unit closest to your home to check if it has a dentist, or even ask which units in your city this professional is present.

Furthermore, another way to find out about the subject is to use the Meu SUS Digital application, which is available for both devices Android, how much iOS.

After downloading the app, simply create an account by entering some basic details. Then log in and click on “Health Network”. 

You will then be able to check the services that are offered by SUS in your region. The next step is to click on “Oral Health” to check the list of addresses of health units that offer dental care.

2. Go to the health unit

Once you know where you can find dental care close to your home, you need to go to the health unit.

This is necessary because to use Brasil Sorridente services, registration must be carried out in person.

At first, there is no need to set a date, just show up at the unit with your documents and inform that you want access to the dentist.

The necessary documents are ID or other official identification document with photo, CPF, proof of residence, Unified Health System Card and, in the case of children and adolescents, a vaccination card.

3. Schedule an appointment

When you complete your registration, as described above, you will be able to schedule a dental appointment. 

At this first consultation, the oral health team will carry out an initial assessment to define what treatments are needed.

Afterwards, the treatment can be carried out in this same unit. However, in some specific cases, you may need to go to a specialized center for the necessary treatment.

Daniele Freitas
Written by

Daniele Freitas

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