Find out how to issue a Digital RG to get rid of the paper document

Do you want to know how to issue a Digital RG, so you no longer have to carry a physical ID? So, check out the complete step-by-step guide here!

Since you've come this far, it's because you want to know how to issue your RG Digital, right? So, know that you are in the right place. This is why we created a step by step which can help you carry out the process in a simple way. 

But before seeing the issue step by step, know that it is also possible check your FGTS totally online, without having to go to a bank branch or face long queues.

But now, we will show you how to issue your digital document. Keep following to discover all the details!

Who can issue the Digital RG?

In principle, anyone who has access to the necessary resources can download the application on their cell phone. 

However, it is important to remember that the availability of the application may vary depending on the region of Brazil.

This is because by the end of 2023, only 12 states were issuing the new ID model. Check out the complete list of available options! 

  • Acre;
  • Alagoas;
  • Amazon;
  • Federal District;
  • Goiás;
  • Maranhão;
  • Minas Gerais;
  • Mato Grosso;
  • Piauí;
  • Rio de Janeiro;
  • Rio Grande do Sul;
  • Santa Catarina.

Remembering that when you choose to download the Digital Identity application, you will have access to all the features it offers. 

Finally, know that this application not only facilitates access to your ID in digital format, but also offers a series of additional advantages.

Issue your Digital RG (Image: Disclosure/Tecnoblog)

What are the benefits of the new digital ID?

Firstly, it is essential to understand the benefits that the Digital Identity application offers to users. By knowing its advantages, you will be able to make an informed decision about downloading it.

The National Identity Card was created to improve civil identification and offers several benefits. Check out!

  • Simplified access: You can access your identity through and the document includes a QR Code for quick reading;
  • Unification of information: RG Digital unifies data from the identity card and CPF, using the 11 digits of the CPF as numbering;
  • Advanced security: For greater protection against fraud, the new ID includes biographical and biometric validations, in addition to a chip and QR Code;
  • Ease of inclusion of the Social Name: the digital ID allows the inclusion of the social name in accordance with article 13, without the need for supporting documentation, just a written request signed by the interested party.

Step by step on how to issue the Digital RG

To find out how to obtain the new Digital RG, it is essential to check whether your state has already started issuing this document. 

In principle, the state and Federal District Public Security secretariats must complete the implementation of the necessary updates by January 11, 2024 to offer the new ID model.

To help with the process, we have created a step-by-step guide with all the necessary guidance.

  • First, complete your biometric registration to collect your fingerprints in your state;
  • Then download the app Digital RG of your state;
Download the RG Digital app (Image: Disclosure/Play Store)
  • So, pre-register on the application;
  • Finally, go to a physical or virtual service point at the Public Security departments to confirm the operation.

How to create your digital identity in the application?

After accessing the application, you need to fill in the field with your physical ID number. After entering this information, click the “Request” button.

Additionally, you must agree to the service's Terms of Use. You will then be asked to take a photo for facial verification, ensuring additional security.

After facial verification, you will be able to create a password to protect access to your scanned ID. Finally, click on “View ID” to access the digital document.

With the scanned document in hand, you can easily use it at no additional cost. You can access it online and take it with you wherever you need it.

Juliana Raquek
Written by

Juliana Raquek

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