Como dar aula sem licenciatura? Conheça as formações possíveis

How to teach without a degree? Discover the possible courses

Do you want to be a teacher, but don't have the necessary training? Then you should know that you...

August 21, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Como consultar PIS pelo CPF 2024: 7 métodos

How to check PIS by CPF 2024: 7 methods

Do you know how to check your PIS using your CPF in 2024? This is one of the questions...

August 19, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Jovem Aprendiz Taubaté: melhores empresas com vagas abertas

Young Apprentice Taubaté: best companies with open positions

If you live in the regions of the state of São Paulo, how about starting to work...

August 15, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Curso técnico ou faculdade? Descubra qual é melhor para você

Technical course or college? Find out which is best for you

Are you unsure whether to take a technical course or college? This is very common...

August 13, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Hora extra noturna: O que é e como calcular segundo a CLT

Night overtime: What it is and how to calculate it according to the CLT

If you have a CLT job, you've probably heard of the famous...

August 9, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Jovem aprendiz precisa cumprir aviso prévio? O que diz a lei

Do young apprentices need to serve notice? What does the law say

Are you unsure whether a young apprentice needs to give prior notice? It is common for many...

August 7, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
13 faculdades ideais para trabalhar em banco

13 ideal colleges to work in a bank

The desire to get a job at a renowned banking institution can be very common...

August 5, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Cartão magnético do INSS: como obter e usar para empréstimo consignado

INSS magnetic card: how to obtain and use it for a payroll loan

Currently, it is common for Social Security retirees and pensioners not to have a bank account...

August 1, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
Demissão de Jovem Aprendiz: direitos e deveres a cumprir

Dismissal of a Young Apprentice: rights and duties to be fulfilled

The dismissal of a Young Apprentice is always a highly sought after topic. Thinking about this, throughout...

July 30, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading
As 5 franquias de sorvetes mais rentáveis de todos os tempos

The 5 most profitable ice cream franchises of all time

Are you looking for a refreshing and profitable business opportunity? The most profitable ice cream franchises...

July 25, 2024 - Juliana Raquek Keep reading

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